ISSN: 3049-0812
Starting Year : 2024
A Multi-Lingual Multi-Disciplinary e-Magazine
A Multi-Lingual Multi-Disciplinary e-Magazine
Vol:01 | Issue:01 |2024| April-June
A Glimpse of Nature in Majuli
Kulendra Nath Deka
Birds are one of the most beautiful creations of nature. Conservation of birds and biodi- versity is being given top priority nowadays by the organizations and people of our state, state, which is a good sign for the sake of our ecology. Majuli, the river island, is not lagging behind in this re- gard. The islanders and some or- ganizations are working for the conservation of birdlife and wild- life. Very recently, an organization called "Majulir Sahitya with the help of the people held a big bird festival to preserve a specific bird area of the island. As per news reports, the festival, called the "Chorai Chung Festival 2024," was successful in creating great awareness among the village people. Events like the bird festi- vals are beneficial, and they can induce some nature-loving peo- ple from the new generation to work in the conservation field. It is earnestly expected that the new generation from the holy place will come forward to shoul- der the responsibility to conserve the legacy of Majuli. As someone who spent many years on the island, I still cherish my work with my friends in the field of conservation. In the words of William Wordsworth,

"For oft, when on my coach I lie In vacant or in pensive mood. They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude." I saw tall Simalu trees (Silk Cot- ton tree Bambocciata), on the top of which there were the breeding nests of the open-billed storks. Such tall trees with birds were the real beauty to me and caught my eye. I cannot forget that very scene of huge breeding nests of the open-billed storks on a single giant simalu tree at Kuhiarbari Gaon and one at Jengraimukh. During that time, I used to report on biodiversity from Majuli to a leading Assamese daily. In 2001, I had a clash with some miscreants when I tried to prevent them from killing the innocent mother birds and their siblings. They killed two sacks of birds and carried them away to have a feast. The problem was discussed in a public meeting, and a nature organization was formed. After the incident and the formation of the organization, such scenarios started changing gradually for the better in that place, with the help of some nature activists. The memories often still haunt me. Birds and tall trees are the real treasure and beauty of Ma- juli. The traveller visiting Majuli would definitely be overjoyed to see such nature's beauty along with the river island's culture and acknowledge the existence of rich heritage there.