ISSN: 3049-0812
Starting Year : 2024
A Multi-Lingual Multi-Disciplinary e-Magazine
পদ্মশ্ৰী সন্মান প্ৰাপক হেমচন্দ্ৰ গোস্বামীৰ সৈতে কথাবাৰ্তা
-সাক্ষাত্গ্ৰহণ -------- ড০ অনুপম বড়া, সম্পাদক, মাজুলীঃ দ্বিভাাষিক ই-আলোচনী
অসমীয় কাব্য সাহিত্যত মাজুলীৰ পৰা প্ৰকাশিত ক্ষুদ্ৰ কাব্য পত্ৰিকা আৰু সম্পাদিত কাব্য সংকলনৰ ইতিহাস
-------- ৰজনীকান্ত বৰদলৈ
About tall trees and birds' nests
-------- Kulendra Kumar Nath
Majuli, the island located in the Brahmaputra River in India, is a unique and fascinating place. It is the largest river island in the world and is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. The island is also home to a vibrant culture and community, with a rich history and traditions that have been passed down through generations. In section of Majuli: E-Magazine, we explore the land and people of this remarkable island, delving into its natural beauty and the lives of those who call it home
Objective: To explore the unique geography, cultural heritage, and diverse communities of Majuli, offering insights into its land, people, and traditions.
Target Audience: This section is aimed at readers interested in cultural anthropology, geography, history, and the vibrant life of Majuli.
Key Components
Majuli Land and People
Geographical Overview: Discuss the geographical features, climate, and natural resources of Majuli.
Demographic Profile: Provide an overview of the population, including various ethnic groups, languages spoken, and key socio-economic activities.
Cultural Heritage
Historical Significance: Explore the history of Majuli, including its role as a cultural and religious center.
Traditional Arts and Crafts: Highlight the traditional arts, crafts, music, and dance forms that are an integral part of Majuli’s cultural heritage.
Festivals and Rituals: Discuss important festivals and rituals that are celebrated on the island, emphasizing their cultural and religious significance.
Ethnic Groups
Diverse Communities: Provide detailed profiles of the different ethnic groups living in Majuli, such as the Mising, Deori, and Sonowal Kacharis.
Cultural Practices: Discuss the unique cultural practices, traditions, and lifestyles of these communities.
Inter-Community Relations: Explore how these diverse groups coexist and interact, contributing to the island’s rich cultural mosaic.
Vaishnavism: Discuss the influence of Vaishnavism on Majuli, including the role of the Satras (Vaishnavite monasteries) in preserving religious traditions and culture.
Other Religions: Provide an overview of other religious practices on the island and how they coexist with Vaishnavism.
Religious Festivals: Highlight major religious festivals and their significance in the lives of the people of Majuli.
Place Names and Their Meanings: Explore the origins and meanings of place names in Majuli, providing insights into the island’s history and culture.
Cultural and Historical Significance: Discuss how place names reflect the cultural, historical, and geographical context of the island.